Many people are stuck at home with no water to drink! The city's water system was damaged by Helene and because the roads were also damaged, workers have a challenge to get to areas that need repair. It could take weeks (or longer) to restore water service to the city.
Some cannot drive because of mudslides blocking the roads or sections of roads and bridges washed away. Gas stations have limited or no supply of fuel making it also difficult to drive, since gas tanks are going empty.
Some stores are giving out drinking water by measure, enough for a day or so for a single person. But for those people that cannot drive to the store, or later they run out of gas and can no longer drive, this water shortage could be a serious problem.
Some people wait in line at stores for hours and still get turned away with no water.
The fuel needed is not just for automobiles, but for electrical generators. The city is largely without power. Those with generators need fuel to produce electricity.
Vain is the help of government leaders. Where are they? What are they doing to help? Even if they do a little, they cannot solve all the problems, and they cannot prevent them. What man has the power to stop a hurricane?
Those that repent and turn to the Lord will receive help so that their suffering is bearable. As Jesus said.... All those who are weary and heavily burdened, come to me, and I will give you rest.