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EBOLA at-risk group: those that have sex outside of a faithful marriage

Fornicators and sodomites are particularly vulnerable to Ebola. Sex can be the main pathway of transmission for Ebola, as in this case:

In November 2014, a man returning to India from Liberia after recovery from Ebola produced a positive semen sample while testing negative for Ebola in blood, saliva, and urine. So for that man, wouldn't it be accurate to say the primary pathway of transmission of the disease from him to others would be if other people had sex with him?

Yes, and here's why:

Sexual contact would indeed be the most likely route of transmission from this man. In this case, wearing a mask around him is not necessary, but abstaining from sex with him could save your life and prevent much misery.

If you are faithfully married and both of you are free from Ebola, then sex is not a risk-factor for you.

Oct 4, 2024, 3:35:06 PM | by Admin | 0 Comments