Example of worldly splendor which deceives many:
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One large temple merger of Vatican, Muslim mosque, and Jewish synagogue.
The kingdom of God does not come with observation. Those that have found God in the Lord Jesus Christ, love him above all.... and love their fellow man as their own self.... they have found the kingdom of God within themselves.
When divine love has taken the throne of your heart, then the kingdom of God will be found within you. When you reach that level, you have nothing to fear, because everything else you need shall be given to you.
"Whosoever is in need of wisdom, it will be given when and where he is in need of it. Should such a person require any external aids to maintain his earthly life, it will be given to him at the right time in proper measure. Should he require special powers on certain occasions, they will be given. He will not be without counsel and comfort. Should he require a foreign tongue on special occasions, then that will be given. And if he wishes to help an ailing person, he will require nothing but My name and his own hands."
... "the kingdom of God never comes from external pomp, but from within, in all tranquility, in the human heart. Imprint this as deeply as you can into your mind; then you will find the kingdom of God much easier than you thought."
Earth and Moon, Jakob Lorber