updated July 18, 2024
https://deepai.org/chat (Meta AI) Currently my favorite
https://search.brave.com - Answers questions that Duckduckgo refuses to discuss - Added by u/Musky
https://iask.ai/ - Answers question that Duckduckgo refused to answer - Added by u/Questionable
https://www.perplexity.ai - fast, willing to answer many questions and cites its sources
https://huggingface.co/spaces/ysharma/Chat_with_Meta_llama3_8b - slow but powerful
https://duckduckgo.com/chat - Added by u/neolib
https://a.ya.ru/ - Russian - Currently does not speak English, but can read English.
https://chat.tune.app/ - Added by u/neolib. After some use, it demanded that I use a Google account to continue.
https://gab.ai/ - Added by u/slart. Requires email address to continue using.
https://textcortex.com/ required registration
Unfortunately, no matter what the websites say, all of these have guidelines that effectively censor certain topics. I have yet to find an AI Chat that will talk about any topic freely without restriction. There is always some bias.
If you would like to add an AI Chat to the list, please do so in the comments!