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They were paid $750 to take COVID injections. How much did you get?

They did not pay me anything since I refused the injections and somehow (thanks to God) I still live.

In the remote area of northern Arizona live the American Indians known as the Havasupai Tribe.

Being in a sparsely populated area near the Grand Canyon would seem like protection in itself from what Donald Trump called the "China Virus".

It is less likely the virus would seep into this rural area of Arizona. The people there might not have felt the need to worry. But cash talks....

Each adult that was willing to be fully vaccinated, as they called it, was paid $600 and paid another $150 to submit to a COVID booster injection.


If someone needs to be motivated with money to take injections manufactured by strangers, then was the motive actually good health? This COVID business has been worth billions. They said it was "free", but we all paid for it, either through our tax dollars or through the corruption of mankind.

Jan 18, 2025, 11:50:20 AM | by Admin


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