If you consume fiction instead of truth, you will believe a lie.
“The War of the Worlds”
mercurytheatre.info (archived)
This radio drama was broadcast live on October 30, 1938. The
Breaking News was all an act, but caused panic among some listeners who believed that a Martian invasion was actually occurring.
I am not making the recommendation to listen to the whole show, but if you preview it, you will hear how easily fiction is blended with truth in the guise of "news reporting". It only takes a little leaven to leaven the whole lump.
The media is full of stories of an
alien invasion.... the same thing over and over in different formats, whether it be movies, television stories, comic books, computer games, or even old radio broadcasts.
Those who are averse to the Truth will soon fall in the great delusion. Be prepared to stand in the truth.
What is truth?